Nishikido Ryo, Chinen Yuri & Kurashina Kana to appear in autumn 2013 drama "Yorozu Uranaidokoro Onmyouya e Youkoso"

一方、ヒロインの倉科は瞬太のクラスの担任、只野路子役。恋愛経験がなく、いつしか、祥明の魅力に気づき…という役どころ。3人がそれぞれ初共演で、知念 は「ワクワク感もありますが緊張感もあります」と先輩との共演に背筋が伸びる。倉科は「錦戸さんとのテンポある掛け合いは見どころで、クスッと笑えます」 と語るなど、3人による化学反応がドラマを盛り上げそうだ。

Kurashina Kana (28) and Hey! Say! JUMP's Chinen Yuri (19) will be appearing in the FujiTV autumn 2013 drama "Yorozu Uranaidokoro Onmyouya e Youkoso" starring Kanjani 8's Nishikido Ryo which will begin its run from 8 October in the Tuesdays 10pm timeslot. Nishikido will play a former host who poses as a fortune teller and uses his eloquence to help solve his customers' problems while Chinen plays a senior high school student who works part-time at his store. As for Kurashina, she will be playing Chinen's form teacher in school and has no experience in romance until she starts to fall under Nishikido's character's charm. This is the first time that the three of them are working together.

Nishikido Ryo to star as a fake fortuneteller in new fall drama
It was announced that Kanjani8's Nishikido Ryo will star in a new Fuji TV drama titled "Yorozu Uranai Dokoro Onmyouya e Youkoso" (tentative).
The drama is based on the best-selling "Onmyouya" (lit. 'Yin-Yang Shop') novel series by writer Amano Shoko. Nishikido plays a fortuneteller who appears to be a yiny-yang master, but he doesn't possess any psychic powers and never directly tells someone's future. 
Instead, he makes use of his past experience as a host and is able to to find out the root of his customers' troubles through the art of conversation alone. All the customers are suspicious of him at first because of his frivolous atmosphere. However, his advice actually help them with their various problems and they end up being extremely grateful about having gone to his shop.
Fuji TV will show Nishikido as a fake yet warmhearted fortuneteller every Tuesday at 10:00 pm starting in October.

Based on Amano Shoko’s best-selling novel series Onmyouya (in translation: "Yin-Yang Shop"). It was announced that Nishikido Ryo will be starring in the Fuji TV fall drama titled Yorozu Uranai Dokoro Onmyouya e Youkoso (In translation: Welcome to Fortune-Telling Onmyo Shop).

Nishikido will play the role of a fortune teller and a Yin-Yang master who doesn’t actually possess any psychic powers and so he can’t tell anyone’s future directly. Instead, he relies on his experience as a host and uses the art of conversation to figure out people’s problems. At first no one trusts him but then people figure out that his advice was actually helpful, and he begins to get popularity.

Yorozu Uranai Dokoro Onmyouya e Youkoso will start airing on October every Tuesday on Fuji TV.

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Kindaichi Case Files Gets Live-Action Special (2014) Set in Malaysia


今年1月に8年ぶりに復活したドラマ「金田一少年の事件簿」が、2014年新春にスペシャルドラマ「金田一少年の事件簿 獄門塾殺人事件」(日本テレビ 系)として放送されることが10日、明らかになった。アイドルグループ「Hey!Say!JUMP」の山田涼介さんが、今年1月放送の「金田一少年の事件 簿 香港九龍財宝殺人事件」に引き続き、“4代目”金田一一(はじめ)役を務める。
 今回の舞台はマレーシアのジャングル。今回は、日本テレビとしては初めてとなるマレーシアのテレビ局との共同制作となる。物語では、進級スレスレの金田 一は幼なじみの七瀬美雪に連れられ、スパルタで有名な「獄門予備校」に通うことになり、そこで不可解な怪死事件に遭遇する。事件は、世界をまたにかけて暗 躍する天才犯罪プロデユーサーからの、金田一への挑戦状だった……というストーリーが展開する。
 今年1月の「香港九龍財宝殺人事件」に引き続き、美雪役は川口春奈さん、金田一の頼れる後輩・佐木竜二役は有岡大貴さん(Hey!Say!JUMP)。 台湾のアイドルグループ・飛輪海(フェイルンハイ)の元メンバーで、台湾版「花ざかりの君たちへ」で主演を務めたウー・ズンさんが前作と同じ李白龍 (リー・バイロン)役を演じる。さらに、スパルタ予備校の教師役として北村一輝さん、金田一少年にトリック勝負を挑む永遠のライバル・高遠遥一役で成宮寛 貴さんが出演する。
 「香港九龍財宝殺人事件」で、初代の「KinKi Kids」堂本剛さんをはじめ、「嵐」の松本潤さん、「KAT-TUN」の亀梨和也さんに続く“4代目”金田一を演じた山田さん。今回も引き続き金田一を 演じる。「1年ぶりに演じるということで、感覚を取り戻している最中です。今回の作品で成長した金田一一を見ていただけるように頑張りたいと思います。楽 しみに待っていてください」とコメントを寄せている。
Kindaichi Shōnen no Jikenbo (Kindaichi Case Files) will return with a new live-action television special, Kindaichi Shōnen no Jikenbo: Gokumon Juku Satsujin Jiken (Kindaichi Case Files: The Prison Cram School Murder Case), next January. Ryosuke Yamada of the boy band Hey! Say! JUMP will reprise his role of the teen detective Hajime Kindaichi. Yamada first played Kindaichi in this past January's television special Kindaichi Shōnen no Jikenbo: Hong Kong Kyūryū Zaihou Satsujin Jiken (Kindaichi Case Files: The Hong Kong Kowloon Treasure Murder Case, pictured right).
The setting of next January's special is the jungles of Malaysia. (This special will be NTV's first co-production with a Malaysian television station.) In the story, Kindaichi joins his childhood friend Miyuki Nanase in Sparta, a prestigious "prison" cram school. There, they uncover a mysterious death, which turns out to be a taunting challenge from a brilliant producer with criminal dealings throughout the world.
Haruna Kawaguchi reprises her role of Nanase from this year's special. Hey! Say! JUMP member Daiki Arioka also returns as Ryūji Saki, Kindaichi's younger schoolmate. Another returning cast member is Wu Chun (former member of the Taiwanese band Fahrenheit and the star of the Taiwanese version of Hana Zakari no Kimi-tachi e) as Byron Li.
Kazuki Kitamura will play a teacher at the Sparta cram school, and Hiroki Narimiya will play Yōichi Takato, a nefarious mastermind and Kindaichi's eternal nemesis.
Yamada is the fourth live-action actor to play Kindaichi. The previous actors were KinKi Kidsgroup member Tsuyoshi Dōmoto, Arashi memberJun Matsumoto, and KAT-TUN member Kazuya Kamenashi.
Seimaru Amagi (also known as Tadashi Agi) created the original manga, which already inspired a television anime series and several film and video spinoffs. Tokyopop published part of the manga in North America.

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hai udah lama banget ya aku nggak posting di sini ,maklum deh namanya anak sekolahan apalagi udah kelas 2 SMA yang namanya tugas sama ulangan banyak banget .....

tapi aku nggak pernah ngerasa happy ,you know why??
aku fikir mereka hanya memberlakukan sistem derajat manusia deh atau kayak diskriminasi gitu ,masa iya yang pinter cuman temenan sama yang pinter .terus yang cantik pasti bakal banyak temen .lah aku ?? Nothing~

that's make me sad !!! tapi ga ada yang peduli tentang perasaan ku .yah perlu diulang aku bukan siapa siapa disini.. mungkin terkadang aku sering ngerasa aku salah ambil jurusan terkadang juga aku bertanya tanya kenapa aku harus memilih IPA?? tapi disisi lain aku cukup bersyukur mungkin dengan cara ini pasti akan membuah kan hasil pada akhirnya~

sekarang juga waktunya buat berfikir bagaimana kedepannya !! ini juga membuat aku semakin merasa bersalah ,why?? karena percuma aja kalau aku masuk IPA tapi pada akhirnya aku nggak ngerti apa apa ,terus kalau sewaktu kuliah aku harus ambil jurusan apa?? kalau berhubungan dengan IPA lagi itu sama saja dengan bunuh diri !!

aku sadar aku bukan anak yang pandai tapi aku cukup cerdas ,kebanyakan teman teman tidak memandang orang yang cerdas mereka hanya menganggap orang pandai itu lebih baik dari orang cerdas ....

dan juga THE BIG PROBLEM yang selama ini aku tanggung that's it i haven't had boyfriend

gimana sih rasanya punya pacar?? dulu pernah sih punya pacar cuman sudah lama banget .dan aku pengen punya pacar sekarang ,terkadang aku iri dengan orang jepang pernah waktu itu aku melihat foto di jejaring sosial disana terdapat sepasang kekasih yang sedang berpose sangat mesrah ,herannya si cowo nya itu ganteng banget sedangkan cewe nya gendut dan jelek kayak aku ,loh kok bisa??sedangkan aku sendiri kenapa ga bisa kayak mereka?? aku sudah diramalkan tidak akan mendpat kan pcar pada tahun tahun ini dan juga aku diramalkan pasti mendapat pacar suatu hari nanti !!!  kalimat tersebut sudah aku garis bawah i .. suatu hari nanti?? kapan itu??

ya who knows??